

Owning a car while living in the city is a pain. Parker aims to make your life easier by doing these three things:

  1. Alerts you to move your car before street sweeping begins
  2. Keeps track of when you parked & how much time is left in the parking meter
  3. Remembers your parking locations & provides directions to your car

It does all of this without any user interaction. It truly "just works!"

Project Info

Available on the App Store

Team: Solo developer & designer

Time: Feb. - July 2015


  • No user interaction required - the app runs in the background by either pairing with car stereo Bluetooth, an iBeacon device, or analyzing user motion data.
  • Automatic alerts before the next street sweeping begins.
  • Allows manual entry of parking meter time.
  • Integrates with Maps to give directions to the car.
  • Today Extension offers quick access to car location & next parking restriction time.

App Technical Specs

  • Platforms: iOS, Today Extension
  • 100% Swift
  • Frameworks: CoreBluetooth, CoreData, CoreLocation, CoreMotion, MapKit, PassKit (ApplePay), UserNotifications, Background execution
  • Stripe / Apple Pay integration to purchase iBeacon hardware

Web Technical Specs

  • golang API server provides a list of parking restrictions for the requested latitude & longitude.
  • PostgreSQL database with PostGIS extension to store city parking data.
  • Node.js payment processor to integrate with Stripe.